Mosquitoes Control

Mosquitoes Control

Talking about infection and causing nuisance, mosquitoes are the most successful species to ensure the spread of germs and transmit diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. The diseases transmitted by mosquitoes claim thousands of human life each year. The mosquitoes are a potent threat to human lives. In their four distinct stages of life cycle; the first three- egg, larva and pupa � are spent in water. Throughout their life cycle mosquitoes cause trouble to healthy living. The mosquitoes need a little stagnant water to breed; therefore it is very important to ensure that the household is kept free of stagnant water.

How to Control

Are Mosquitoes Dangerous.?

About Orbit Pest Control

Orbit Pest Control Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated in the year 2012 at Bihar and is the first pest control organization to be ISO 9001 and 14001 certified in Bihar. Today, it is one of the leading pest management and Fumigation experts in India having pan India presence with more than 15 branches across the country.