It is true that most of us insure our houses to help recover loss arising from fires, storms and earthquakes, but is it possible to carry insurance against termite infestation? Termites pose a major threat to our furniture. They feed voraciously on wood and are akin to destroy paper products such as book, cardboard, boxes and a whole array of other items. Termites are serious threat to our buildings as they can cause extensive damages. Often the termites attack the building foundations and beams which are made of wood thereby endangering lives of people living therein. If you think that your building is immune to termite infiltration because they are made with steel framing, then think again. Termites in such cases can even target the wooden door and window frames, cabinets and shelving within the buildings. A termite colony is large and well organized. They comprise a queen, king and winged reproductive swarmer, soldiers and workers. Worker termites are the one who are small, creamy and white insects. The comprise most in number and are the major causer behind the termite damage.
How to Control
- It is very important to keep all the wooden items at least 20 cm above the ground to ensure safety from termite.
- Get rid of decaying trees or debris nearby, if there are any.
- Plant your trees away from house.
- Replace with concrete all wood that’s in contact with soil.
- Take advice and help from a professional to recognize termite infestation if there are any and get rid of the problem.
- Termiticides are very important to treat termite infestation. We make sure that terimiticide is handled by a licensed pest control operator.
Are Termites Dangerous?
It is indeed true termites are not the carriers of diseases that have been normally transmitted to humans yet the danger from them is unlikely to be ignored. They have incredibly strong mouth parts and are adept to chewing through timber and wood which can cause a large amount of damage and potentially affect the structural integrity of buildings. The damage caused can be so acute that it might become the point of collapse.